Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bars

These Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bars combine the natural sweetness of Medjool dates with the crunch of almonds and pistachios, all topped with a rich layer of dark chocolate. Perfect for a healthy and indulgent snack, these bars are simple to make and store well in the fridge for quick treats throughout the week.

Time to read: 2 min | Time to make: 45 min + freezing | Yields: 8 servings

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bars
Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bars



  • 14 Medjool dates, pitted

  • 1 cup (160 g) almonds

  • 1/4 tsp sea salt

Pistachio Butter

  •   2 cups (320 g) pistachios


  • 3-4 oz (80 g) dark chocolate bar

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

  • 1/4 cup (30 g) pistachios, chopped

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bars Recipe


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Roast pistachios for 10-15 minutes until golden and fragrant. Let them cool to room temperature before blending in a food processor until creamy to create pistachio butter. Add a pinch of sea salt to the butter.

  2. In the same food processor bowl, add the pitted dates, almonds, and a pinch of sea salt, and blend until a soft dough forms. You should have approximately 10 oz (290 g) of dough.

  3. Divide the dough into eight portions (~1.3 oz/36 g each) and press into silicone bar molds. Use the handle of a teaspoon to make a small indent in the center of each bar.

  4. Spread the pistachio butter over the date-almond base.

  5. Place the bars in the freezer for at least a few hours to firm up.

  6. In a small saucepan or microwave, melt the dark chocolate with coconut oil until smooth.

  7. Cover the bars with the melted chocolate and sprinkle with chopped pistachios. Place the bars in the fridge to set before serving.

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bars

Nutrition facts per one serving:

Energy: 526 kcal | Carbs: 47 g | Protein: 9 g | Fat: 34 g


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