Bit Healthier

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Almond Banana Bread

Every ripe banana dreams about ending up in this bread.

Time to read: 4 mins | Time to make: 70 mins | Yields: 11 servings


* Alternatively, substitute 100 g of bananas (1 banana) for 100 g (1/2 cup) of pumpkin puree for fall pumpkin pie inspired banana bread.

** Either use the liquid from a can of chickpeas or, if you cook your own, use the cooking water. Read about aquafaba and its role in vegan baking here.

*** Enormous amounts of self-control required

Nutrition facts, per 3/4” thick slice (95 g):

Energy: 141kcal | Carbs: 31 g | Protein: 2 g | Fat: 2 g